Jaipur is a clever 2 player trading game where you cannot afford to ignore the camels. Each turn, you will choose to take cards or sell cards and that’s it! Of course, herein lies the rub; the risks and rewards of the game lie in what you take and what you sell.
Cards will either represent camels or one of six goods. From a central market of five cards, you will be taking either any one card, all the camels, or exchanging any number of cards. When you sell, you will take matching tokens for each good that you sell. Good tokens start off more valuable and decrease in value as the game goes on. But on any one turn, you may only sell one type of good, and if it’s one of the most valuable, you must sell a minimum of two cards. Also, if you sell three or more cards, you will earn a bonus scoring token.
Player Count: 2
Time: 30 Minutes
Age: 12+
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